12. Crystal #4 - Thieves' Town

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Break the gargoyle seal

At the center of Thieves' Town there is a gargoyle statue on the location where the Kakarikian weather vane was.

The gargoyle

If you look carefully at the statue you notice that there are some stairs visible from behind the pitchfork. Just grab and pull it at the end to unlock the stairs down into Thieves' Town which is a fairly small dungeon, but it holds a valuable treasure the Titan's Mitts.

Thieves' Town's unlocked

Thieves' Town - Data
  • 1F (1024x256)
  • B1F (1024x1792) entry
  • B2F (1024x512)
  • Anti-Faerie
  • Buzz
  • Patra
  • Gibo
  • Spark
  • Stalfos
  • Trap
  • Zazak (Blue/Red)
  • Zol
  • Small Key (2x)
  • Big Key
  • Map
  • Compass
  • Some Bombs
Big Treasure
  • Titan's Mitts
  • Blind

Thieves' Town's entrance

Map, Big Key & Compass


Inside there are many Horsemen which are called "Zazak" for as far as I can tell. The Map, compass and Big Key are hidden in chests in the first two rooms so this will go fairly quick. Walk up to the NW corner, don't lift up the skull as it contains a transformation spark and slide down the ledge for the chest with the Map.

Map... That was quick.

From here on go right, until you hit a dead end. Then go up one screen, head to the right another screen, then walk downwards (there's a spark hidden under the arc so beware of it) and follow the path to the bottom. There's a passage here back to the first room. Take it to find the isolated chest with the Big Key.

The Big Key.. Easy as pie.

Walk back, take out the 2 Zazaks which are hiding around here and avoid the spark which has regenerated. Ascend one of the stairs in this room and collect the Compass from the third chest near the Zol.

The Compass.. Wow inventory complete.

Finding the treasure

There are some Rupees and a bomb hidden under the other two pots in this room, but that's not really worth it. There's more optional stuff going on here. I'll describe this first. Go back to the NW room and ascend the leftmost staircase. Walk around to find a lonely chest with a Red Rupee...

20 Rupees were here

Then fall down near the top of the screen, ascend the stairs to the right walk down a bit to find a Zol which was hiding here, a Skull with a recovery heart beneath it and a cracked wall which can be bombed.

Heart and Bomb

Go right and walk to the northern wall on the upper ledge. Bomb the wall here too, to find an otherwise unreachable area in the room above. There are two blue Rupees hidden here. That's all there is, well you can use the skulls to take out the Zazaks if you really want to...

another weak wall

Okay, now that the optional stuff is done go (if necessary) to the NE room, ascend the central staircase and use the Big Key to reach the area to the north. Note there's a bomb and a recovery heart hidden within the skulls to the right here.

The big lock door

In the corridor behind there are three Stalfoses (two blues and one red). After removing them, lift the cranium in the upper right corner to find a small key. According to the Map and Compass the boss should be in the room to the north, but it's completely empty!

empty boss roommap

Something fishy is going on here, but Link must get to the bottom of this before he can find the Boss. The only way to go from here is through the southern lock door using the key. Go west from here to find a room with very strange bubble like ghosts which are the "Gibo".

Gibo Room

There's no point in going north as the passage is blocked by blue pegs so go left again. For another long corridor filled with Gibo and an Anti-Faerie (use Magic Pouch to transform it into a real Faerie!). The Gibo can be defeated by slashing into their nucleus twice.

To the north a peg switch is present along with a skull pot which contains another small key. Take out the Zol first, however. If you want the hint from the telepathic tile leave this switch like this and go up the stairs.

Zol in room with small key and peg switch


On 1F the path to either the hint tile or the next room is open depending on the state of the peg switch. Read the tile if you like, else put the switch on blue. Also take caution with the fake pull switch. If you activate it 6 Skullropes drop into the room next to the Buzz cricket and 2 Patras which as present already.

Why did you have to pull that lever..?

The skullropes are weak however and they drop some hearts so maybe pulling the switch is not so bad idea at all. Anyway, hit the peg switch down below and enter the corridor to the right by pressing the button switch in the lower right corner. In the hallway behind there are 4 Buzzes, but otherwise not much noteworthy stuff is going on, the cracks in the floor are all fake. The light effects are kinda nice...

The corridor

On the right end there's three more Buzzes and a chest containing 3 Bombs. Conveniently placed next to the cracked floor behind the blockade. This crack is for real, so take out a bomb, lift it with 'A' and throw it over the blockade. You must do this quickly or else the Bomb explodes in your face.

Bombing the floor.

The gap causes a beam of light to enter the Boss' lair, but still no Boss... Go back down one floor and enter the room to the right of the longer conveyor belt making sure the blue pegs are still down.

the blue pegs are down

Enter the room to the right of here to find an annoying conveyor belt section with several enemies. The easiest way out is using the "Bombos" medallion in case you can spare some Magic. Afterwards descend the stairs to B2F.

Bombos at work


Link can't budge the big grey block here, so the only way to go is left. That door however only opens after defeating all enemies so take them all out one by one. Once through the door there is a large conveyor belt section. Head to the south and go lright as you don't have any small keys in your inventory.

Almost like tightrope walking

Go right two rooms, take out all the Zazak and walk through all the prison gates using the Big Key. At the end there is a young damsel. She thanks you for saving her. Is she really the 4th maiden?

Maiden no. 4....

Anyway, collect the small key and go back to the locked door. Open it up and use the Magic Hammer to reach the chest with the Titan's Mitts. The big treasure of this dungeon which allows you to lift the dark green rocks outside and those massive grey blocks in this dungeon.

You got Titan's Mitts

The floor crumbles apart, but no sweat. Just use the Hookshot to get back over the pit with the statues without damage. There's a grey block at the top of the previous room with that long conveyor belt, but it's a trap! If you enter the room to the west of it the door shuts and you must defeat all three Baries on a tight conveyor belt with bumpers before you can go out again.

The trap room

Rescue the young maiden...

Now that you have the treasure and freed the Maiden let's leave the dungeon, right? She'd be happy to get out of this dump. So use the Magic Mirror to return to the overworld...

Freedom at hand and yet, the maiden does not want to leave.

Recall those words from the villager in Kakariko telling about Blind the thief who hated light. The girl doesn't like the light, so maybe she's hiding a secret. The only way to figure this out is by going into a room where there's light. Why not try the boss room? There's a beam of light there right now ever since you bombed the floor!

Aaah... Too bright!

Indeed, the boss music interludes that this creature is not a young, tender maiden at all. Prepare for battle!

Boss: Blind

Finally, the thief is exposed and you are forced to do battle against him. He starts out by shooting beams at you which cannot be blocked, even by the red shield! After hitting him three times with the sword the second phase commences.

Blind's laser

His head detaches from the main body, but you can't attack it as it is invulnerable. Instead wait for the main body to rise up again, then hit the new head with the Master Sword to until he goes down for good. Mind you that this takes some time and during the battle a second will float around trying to attack you.

Blind - The finale

After hitting Blind 9 times the body explodes leaving behind a Heart Container for you. The crystal appears next and you get to hear another part of the storyline.

Maiden no. 4

Before continuing on to Crystal #5 hidden in the Ice Palace in Lake Hylia you may want to increase the power of your sword or find some more Pieces of Heart in the next chapter.