Twilight Princess Hylian
This font was created for Zelda Legends just a few weeks after the release of the game by our graphics guy, Martin Anderson, with the help of Patricia Martínez Nava. Quite possibly the quickest any Zelda font has ever been created. And they did a nice job of it, too.
There is one major difference between the Gamecube and Wii versions of Twilight Princess: The Wii version is a mirrored version of the Gamecube version. Meaning that a left turn in the GC version is a right turn in the Wii, etc. This also means that the Hylian font is mirrored. So they was kind enough to provide four versions of this font: Wii version, Bold Wii, Regular GC, and Bold GC. For simplicity's sake all four are contained in the same .zip file.
Made by mdta, of Zelda Legends.
TTF zip file (PC)
Gamecube Regular:
Gamecube Bold:
Wii Regular:
Wii Bold: