Kasuto.net's Wind Waker Hylian
Kasuto.net has the perfect font for creating text in the Hylian script found in
TWW. This font has all the characters in the Hylian language, though they are
sometimes mapped to strange keys. This is because Hylian was designed to be translated
into Japanese, and Japanese has a lot more characters than English. You can download
the font on Kasuto.net's Wind
Waker Font page.
Mdta's Hylian Caligraphy Font
This is another Hylian font made by Martin Anderson (mdta). It seems to include symbols from tWW, along with some originals that he created himself to fill in missing areas. He has an English version, but he also has a Japanese version, for use on Japanese PCs. The Japanese version has not been tested, so we cannot verify that it works.
Made by mdta.
English OpenType Font zip file (PC)
Japanese Type 1 Font zip file (PC)