Ongoing Story


Link gets captured for a crime he didn't commit.

Posted by Link_Dream on Jan 16, 2006:
Link was painfully standing up. His arms were chained to the wall, and the cuffs were put on tight enough to cut into his skin. That's just what they were doing.

There were cuffs on his feet too, chaining him to the floor. Those ones were a bit more loose, but they still squeezed up on his ankle. Link had been in worse situations than this one, if you don't count why he was in there. He had been accused of murduring a member of the royal family. To be more specific, Princess Zelda.

The King had all the evidence he needed, even though he wished he didn't. He saw Zelda, lifelessly laying on the ground the very night it happened. He saw, on that same night, Links silloette running from the castle. He saw the slashmarks, made by a sword. He even found the blood-covered sword. All the evidence pointed to Link...
Posted by Niko the ninja on Jan 27, 2006:
Link had been thinking ofways to escape, but he was virtually trapped. All the while thinking the same four-word thought: I didn't do it. The words seemed to scream in his head, but he couldn't escape them. He would have clawed at his chest and ripped his heart out if his hands weren't cuffed. The love of his life was gone FOREVER and there was nothing he could do.

One night, when everyone else was asleep, something came to Link's prison. It walked right at the bars and didn't stop when he was inches away from them. Instead, it passed right through and it had a familiar hat. Link was laying on the cold stone floor when pain came to his ribs. He looked up to see a familiar shadow. The shadow smiled and whispered, "Ah, you're awake." Link then knew who it was.

"So we meet again, Dark Link!" Dark Link smirked and said, "You destroyed my life too many times. I'm just returning the favor." Link got to his feet, his teeth gritted. "Tell me, how's Zelda? Still dead?" THAT ticked Link off. He struggled against his chains and didn't even notice the shackles cutting deeper into his skin. Link's futile attempt only made his dark counterpart laugh. "Tell me, Link. Who should I murder next?" Dark Link closed his red eyes and was in very deep thought. He then opened them and asked, "Why not Saria?" Link struggled against his chains again, but got the same results as last time. Just then, there were footsteps and Dark Link heard them. He frowned with discontent and said, "Sorry, my time here is up. I'll be seeing you." He turned to walk away, but then stopped. "By the way. Zelda screamed REAL GOOD before she died." He raised his volume on 'Die'. By now, Link was too tired to struggle again and he slumped down to the floor, crying silent tears.

He dreamt that he was trapped in some invisible glass and seeing everyone down below. They were talking about how horrible Link was and how the great 'hero of time' did something like that to someone he loved. He was about to go crazy when he woke up. He was staring into a pair of big blue eyes belonging to a familiar, green-haired girl...
Posted by bluejx23 on Feb 4, 2006:
"Link, we don't have much time, get off your ass and help me with these."

"Wha? What's going on? Saria? You look older." Link's dumbfounded response was all that he could offer.

"We have no time for questions, I'll answer them later, for now the sages are pissed and we need to get you out of here." Saria's quick response reminded Link that she was one of the seven sages. Well, now six...

"Link, c'mon I can't do this by myself. Just because I'm a sage doesn't make me a goron!" Saria urgently whispered to Link. He got up as quickly as he could, which wasn't easy with limbs that burned as if pierced by fire arrows all over.

"What about my chains?" Link asked. Saria placed her hands over the binding bracelets, a second later they began to glow then fade away into nothingness. "Oh."

"Here, I know it isn't much, but you'll just have to deal with what I can provide." Saria conjured up the Kokiri sword as if from nowhere and handed it to link along with a wooden shield.

"Might as well have given me a stick and a rock" Link complained.

"Don't get smart with me, we don't have time, let's go!"

"Can't you just teleport me or something?"

"Actually I could give you an ocarina and you could teleport yourself, but that would leave me a little screwed."

"Well that's great, I really hope you know an easy way out of here, or we're both screwed."

"I do." She showed Link a secret passage that was well hidden by a pile of useless armor and weapons. The entrance was a huge crack in the wall that was still barely big enough for Link and Saria to fit through.

Now that Link had most of his senses back he could feel the sharp bite of the chains in his wrists and regreted the previous night's struggle. And now that his vision was less impaired he could tell that Saria definitely looked older. In fact she was about his age.

"What happened to the Kokiri children?"

"As you can see we're not children anymore, but I'll go into it once we're out and somewhere safe like the Temple of Time."

What could my shadow have done that has caused so much trouble? I need to keep a close eye on Saria as well, It did threaten to kill her. I will not let it get the better of me, It will die like all others that have threatened Hyrule! I just need to get a hold of the Blade of Evil's Bane. Once I get it back, I can avenge Zelda's death...

They reached the exit of the path and came to a memory that Link would rather put behind him. They climbed out of another crack in the wall and found themselves in a beautiful garden surrounded by a clearwater moat and a starry night sky. This is where I first met her...

"Link, c'mon we need to get past just a few soldiers without being noticed or without them sounding an alarm, and then we're home free." Saria urged the paralyzed Link. He came to and they were off.
Posted by Niko the ninja on Feb 4, 2006:
Link knew every shortcut and was Saria's shortcut to getting out alive. He had snuck in here at the age of ten and could just as easily get out. A guard nearly caught them, but Link slid into the shadows and barely avoided them. The guard just walked by and continued his duty.

"Oh, why did I have to go? This is Nabooru's job." The forest sage muttered, "Say what?" Link asked. Saria just made a gesture with her hand and said, "Nothing."

They then reached the drawbridge of the town. This was their last obstacle and there was a guard at it. Link had to think fast, because he was going to turn around soon. Link then saw a large rock, tossed it and caught it, then chucked it at the guard's head as hard as he could. It hit the helmet with a loud CLANG. The guard wobbled and then fell to the ground with a huge dent in his helmet. Saria go the crank to the drawbridge and lowered it to their escape.

The first thing Saria did was give Link some decent clothing. After all, Link had worn nothing but a pair of ragged pants for the last three months. It was a spare tunic and hat from his old house back at the forest. Saria then took notice of the wounds on Link's wrists. "Link, what did this to you?" Link then saw her eyes focusing on the bleeding cuts. Before he could respond, he felt something enter his deep cuts and it hurt. He winced, but didn't cry out. He was tough. "It was the shackles. They were on THAT tight." Saria winced as though she felt Link's sting.

After a bit of cleaning and some food, Link asked the one thing that happened. "Saria, what happened at the Kokiri Forest?" Saria froze in her tracks. She had been expecting this question for a while. "Something attacked the forest. It destroyed the trees, smashed them into splinters. Its footprint is the same as that one there." She said. She was virtually crying as she pointed at a large track. Link thought it was some kind of ditch when they were on the run, but now saw it was a giant, four-toed print. It was truly MASSIVE, Volvagia-sized at that. What could have done this?

However, the question would have to remain unanswered for now, because a certain princess's attendant had found them, knife-drawn. This person was there when Zelda was murdered.
Posted by bluejx23 on Feb 5, 2006:
Link sensed a shadowy presence and instinctively spun around, drew out his sword, and jumped in front of Saria all in one move. Who he saw wasn't who he expected. In fact, she definitely wasn't who Link expected. Pushing Saria out of danger, Link parried an attempted stab and knocked the shadow sage on the top of her head with the hilt of his blade, knocking her unconscious.

"That was easier than I thought, aren't sages supposed to be able to put up more of a fight?" Link asked Saria.

"Well since Zelda... you know, we all sort of weakened. Anyway, that's what I meant about the sages being pissed. Impa left us to hunt you down, she witnessed Zelda's death... She was sure it was you..."

Well they obviously don't know about Shadow. "We'll need to talk to her in a safer place, Impa hasn't heard what I have to say."

"I haven't either, Link, neither has any of the other sages. In fact, I was the only one who believed that you had nothing to do with the murder, even if you were to flat out tell me right now, I wouldn't believe it."

"Well looks like I have less and less friends every day..." Link tried, but was unable to hide the bitterness in his voice. "Where should we hide?"

"I don't think anyone would attempt to search for us inside what used to be the Kokiri forest."

"Good I need to talk to the Great Deku Tree, hopefully he still trusts me." They tied up Impa to prevent further troubles and headed to the Kokiri Forest.

"I think you need to know that the Great Deku Tree is gone. I believe he's still alive somewhere, but he dissapeared right before the attack." Saria finally said while they were walking.

"The Deku Tree? Great another one down. Wait, how did a whole tree dissapear?"

"Beats me."

"Well you still haven't explained your aging, how is it that the Kokiri children could age?"

"Well I'm guessing it has something to do with the Great Deku Tree's dissapearance, or the fact that I no longer hold the power that I used to."

While they've lost power, He's gaining power...

They arrived at the Kokiri Forest, and found the bridge out, they jumped to the floor below and used the Lost Woods to make it to their home. Well, what was left of it. Link's small village turned out to be nothing more than splinters and footprints. The whole place looked as if it were shook by continous earthquakes. The same large footprints that Saria showed Link were all over the small village.

"So where did everyone run to?" Link had to ask.

"The ones that made it... hid inside the Lost Woods, I haven't had time to search for them. I immediately headed for Hyrule Castle as soon as I could."

"Well, help me with Impa, I wanna check out the area where the Great Deku Tree once rooted."

Right then Impa decided to wake up.

"YOU, GET AWAY FROM SARIA!" Impa yelled, but that was all she was able to do bound up.

"Impa, I need to talk..." Link tried explaining.


"I didn't... I would never..."


"This isn't getting us anywhere." Saria said pulling out her old ocarina. She played her favorite song, Saria's Song. Impa started to calm down, and it was only then that she seemd to understand that she, nor Saria, was in any real danger.

"I still don't trust you." Impa whispered.

"What if I had proof." Link said, surprising Impa.

"I fought you, you beat me, killed Zelda, and was captured the next day. I know how you fight, there is no possible way that you can tell me you have proof that you weren't the one to kill her."

"Well... I can, I just need to show you the triforce piece that I have."


"Saria, play Zelda's Lullaby." She did without question. LInk's triforce piece on his left hand glowed.

"Now you know that there's no way that I could have killed her. Otherwise I would have her triforce piece as well." Link explained.

"But... I saw you with your strange little hat, and your fighting style."

"Ok, Impa. Did you see my face?"

"No, it was dark."

"Do you really believe that a couple of soldiers could take me in. Especially if I could take you on and win?"

"Well, I don't doubt the triforce of courage's skill."

"Even without all this proof, do you really think I could kill Zelda? Even if it meant life or death, you know I wouldn't be able to harm her, don't you"

"I'm sorry Link, I can't believe how blind I've been." For once the impervious Impa seemed on the verge of tears. Then setting herself straight, "Ok, if it wasn't you, then who holds the triforce of wisdom now?"

"That one will be a little hard to explain, I'm pretty sure I know who, and he is the one responsible for everything here at Kokiri, as well as Zelda's death. The funny thing is, his name is also Link, Shadow Link..."
Posted by Niko the ninja on Feb 11, 2006:
Link looked at the floor and said, "However, two people who believe me won't change anything. I'm now a fugitive and they will kill me if they get the chance."

Saria looked at Impa and then back at Link. "What exactly are you going to do?" Link's face told her his idea was a good one. "I will go in disguise. It worked for Zelda, it will work for me." Impa was shocked that Link would consider it. "What about the triforce of courage? People will recognize you if they find you with it."

Link already had that covered. He looked at Saria and put her hand in his own. "I entrust you with the triforce I wield until my name is cleared." Saria looked into his blue eyes with her own, an expression of determination on her face. "I understand. Thank you." "What of your fighting style? People know it easily." Link looked at Impa and answered, "We'll have to change it then. A change in weapons and some training will be all." Impa stood and said, "I will train you."

It took many weeks, but Link eventually learned to fight in a two-handed combat style. He could now hold his sword not with one hand, but with two. His weapon was now a sword far different from the Master sword or Gilded sword. A large broadsword with a winged dragon carved into the hilt. After Link got the hang of it, the time came.

"Until Dark Link is caught, I must disappear. Do not mention my name in front of me. I will go by the name of Bezalel. We must now say our goodbyes." Link said. Saria and Impa nodded at each other and said, "Farewell, hero of time." A small beam of green and purple and Link's body began to change. He got a little taller, he lost the hat and his hair turned black and shoulder-length. His green tunic was replaced by deep blue armor that went from his waist to his shoulders. His pants were changed from white to pitch black and a new scabbard appeared on his belt. He opened his eyes, which were now dark green, and looked around. He saw he was on the outskirts of a familiar forest. It was his old treehouse and the time to act was now.
Posted by star_breaker on Feb 24, 2006:
He turned away and sprinted through the trees, slipping in and out of bushes, quicker than a gazelle. All the time he kept running, the same question was running through his mind: Where is he now? That bastard who killed the love of his life, and then dared to mock her in front of him. Well, he shouldn't have done that, Link thought firmly. Oh no, that evil git would certainly regret the day he dared to upset Link- oops, Bezalel. Suddenly-

"Hey!" Bezalel spun around, his hand to his sword. He relaxed as soon as he saw who it was. Just a Kokiri. But- he was grown up.

"Mido?" Bezalel gasped. He couldn’t help it. He was in shock. Mido was suddenly a lot older, taller, sort of smoothed out. His long, blonde wavy hair was darker, more matted. His face was now paler, hollower, not the plump, rosy cheeks Bezalel knew so well. His tunic was torn, filthy, and travel worn. Mido’s blue eyes suddenly seemed (if possible) fiercer than ever. But Bezalel couldn’t help but feel a tiny tug of fear. Mido looked older, tougher, and ready for anything. As if he’d seen the dark things of this world, and liked them.

“Who are you that dares to trespass upon the sacred land of the Kokiri?” Demanded Mido, drawing out a long, cruel-looking knife.


“Well? I haven’t got all day! What’s the matter? Octorok got your tongue? Would you like me to find you one with my knife?” Mid suggested, raising the blade threateningly. Bezalel tried again.

“I- I come in the peace of the Kokiri!”

“Peace! Don’t make me laugh! Nobody comes to the forest for answers to anything except Dark errands, now! And you! Trying to taint me, and the pure woods with your lies! Prepare to die, thoughtless stranger!” Roared Mido, leaping forward. But before Bezalel could do anything to protect himself, Mido froze in terror. His eyes bulged. The color drained from his face. He dropped the knife. His hands were trembling. Slowly, he pointed a shaking, white finger into the air.

“There it is!” He screamed. “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!” Bezalel turned on the spot, saw what it was, and gasped in undisguised horror.
Posted by Niko the ninja on Feb 27, 2006:
What Bezalel saw was a Dodongo, but it was much bigger than a dodongo. In fact, bigger than a t-rex. As he watched, it reared up on two legs. It had a foot EXACTLY like the track he saw. The dodongo then did something unusual for his kind. He reared up and stood on two legs like a dinosaur. It then looked down and its pupils narrowed as Bezalel came into his sight. However, his nose was better than his eyes and he knew who it really was: Link.

It let out a roar (Imagine T-rex sound effects) and snapped at Bezalel, who quickly rolled out of the way and slashed it. There was a small scratch on its nose and the massive animal grunted in surprise. It then changed tactics. As he brought his jaws down, he then tried to stomp Bezalel out of existence. However, the Hero of time in disguise was too quick. He moved as best he could and suddenly came into a large forearm. The eight-inch claws raked his sides, but he brushed it off. After a minute of dodging, Mido was staying right behind Bezalel. The infernal dinosaur then inhaled deeply. At first, Mido was confused and suddenly, Bezalel dove into him. Mido got up angrily and asked, "HEY! What was that..." His answer soon came when the dodongo unleashed a blast of fire that would have scorched him. Bezalel saved him, he was telling the truth.

The massive reptile then charged Bezalel again, but this time, the instinct of the hero acted up. He pointed his sword upward and just when the dodongo opened its mouth, he thrust all his weight upward. The dodongo screamed in pain as Bezalel wrenched his sword out. It let out a final moan in defeat and fell to the ground. When it came into contact with the ground, the whole earth seemed to shake.

The disguised Link cleaned his sword and put it back in the scabbard. Mido stared in awe as Bezalel came to him. "Are you alright?" Mido nodded, speechless. He then got up and said, "I'm very sorry, sir. It's just with Link gone, everyone seems like an enemy." Bezalel then saw a small patch of light near the remains of the fried Deku tree. It was a small sapling. He smiled a sly smile and asked, "Hey, can you check that out?" Mido did it and inspected it VERY closely. However, something large popped out of the ground and surprised Mido like it did Link in a forgotten event. Bezalel stifled a laugh and thought, "Man! I've been waiting to do that."

Bezalel then saw Mido go from a young adult back into a ten-year old in a flash of blue light. Before he knew it, the entire forest seemed to come back to life. And after a hearty goodbye and thank you, he left for the next part of his quest to find Dark Link and to see if this whole thing could be undone.
Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 17, 2008:
Link:Darn it, now even Epona won't come Dark Link is gonna pay when I find him and he will be slaughtered for what he has done I bet my Tri Force piece on it.


Bezalel:I didn't I'm innocent


Malon: I'm... I'm sorry I shouldn't have doughted you, I'm very sorry.
Bezalel: just leave me alone just please if anyone else bothers me I'm just gonna go and try to speak with her father and risk my life then I could be happy again and be with princess Zelda after some explaining.
Malon: at least just take this(handing Bezalel a wind boomerang)
now you must go to Zora's Domain to confront princess Ruto
Bezalel: no not that devil.
Malon: hurry my dad is looking for me he could find me any second and know who you are and turn you in, no go!
Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 17, 2008:
Bezalel: okay go to move swiftly around the Zoras*here comes Ruto*
gotta go(walking backward into two Zoras)*gulp*

Zora: you killed princess Zelda now time to pay.

Bezalel: not if I have anything to say about it( kicking one Zora unconscious then kicking the other one into a nearby wall) wait how did you know I was Link!?

Zora: easy everyone knows someone would disguise themselves from a crime scene and why did you kill princess Zelda

3 mins later after explaining
Zora: oh I see
Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 17, 2008:
Zora: so that means you are going to try and bring Zelda to life even if the guards have to kill you, well... I see, scramble! here comes princess Ruto

Bezalel: this isn't gonna be pretty and besides neither is princess Ruto

Zora:I heard that, here take these ClawShots(the Zora gave Bezalel two ClawShots!)

Bezalel: thanks I'll need these(running out of Zora's Domain)

3 hours later... at Oradon village...

Bezalel: maybe Illia doesn't think I murdered princess Zelda, hey whats this THE OCARINA OF TIME, dude I'm so glad if someone got a hold of this baby, Hyrule would be SCREWED, wait what is it doing here?

Illia: AHEM that's mine

Bezalel: no it's mine now


Bezalel: in everything in the word that is HOLY, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN!!! wait whats HAPPENING!!!!!!!!( changing back to his old Characteristics and got the TriForce of Wisdom) SARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mean While at Kikori Forest...


DarkLink: why should I?

Link: cause I'm here!

DarkLink: HAHAHA what will you cut me with your little sword HA!

Link: NO WITH THIS ( Links sword turned into the Legendary Master Sword, his shield turned into a Hylain shield while his armor turned into The Hero of Time's Tunic.)

DarkLink: didn't see that coming, but it doesn't madder I'll deal with you later...( warping to wherever)

Saria: Impa! wake up! wake up Impa! well... she's not dead but she's unconscious still thank you Link err... what happened to your disguise?

Link: it's a long story...

3 mins later... after telling Saria what happened...

Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 17, 2008:
Zora: so that means you are going to try and bring Zelda to life even if the guards have to kill you, well... I see, scramble! here comes princess Ruto

Bezalel: this isn't gonna be pretty and besides neither is princess Ruto

Zora:I heard that, here take these ClawShots(the Zora gave Bezalel two ClawShots!)

Bezalel: thanks I'll need these(running out of Zora's Domain)

3 hours later... at Oradon village...

Bezalel: maybe Illia doesn't think I murdered princess Zelda, hey whats this THE OCARINA OF TIME, dude I'm so glad if someone got a hold of this baby, Hyrule would be SCREWED, wait what is it doing here?

Illia: AHEM that's mine

Bezalel: no it's mine now


Bezalel: in everything in the word that is HOLY, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN!!! wait whats HAPPENING!!!!!!!!( changing back to his old Characteristics and got the TriForce of Wisdom) SARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mean While at Kikori Forest...


DarkLink: why should I?

Link: cause I'm here!

DarkLink: HAHAHA what will you cut me with your little sword HA!

Link: NO WITH THIS ( Links sword turned into the Legendary Master Sword, his shield turned into a Hylain shield while his armor turned into The Hero of Time's Tunic.)

DarkLink: didn't see that coming, but it doesn't madder I'll deal with you later...( warping to wherever)

Saria: Impa! wake up! wake up Impa! well... she's not dead but she's unconscious still thank you Link err... what happened to your disguise?

Link: it's a long story...

3 mins later... after telling Saria what happened...

Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 17, 2008:
Saria: you must love her then...

Link: it's hard to think about it... it... it just makes me feel like I have no purpose, well I guess it's time to head to the twilight realm and find Midna and see what she thinks but I might want to go to Goron's Mountain and find old Druanina and maybe he can get me out of this mess ~ this really sucks ~hey, whatcha doin

Saria: getting you some weapons...

Link: oh keep it up
Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 21, 2008:
Saria: well good luck and...and uh... here you'll probably be screwed without this so here(handing Link a WindWaker) you might not need to use it but still it might come in handy.

Link: thanks I'm sure I'll need it anyway keep in eye on Impa over there.

later in the Twilight realm....

Twili servant: madam I just received word that Princess Zelda is dead and...

Minda: WHO DID IT!!

Twili servant: Link, your majesty.

Midna: LINK!! he cold never he has a big crush on her do you think someone like him with a soft caring heart could kill his future wife?

Twili servant: actually, my wife tried to kill me and she had a soft heart, excuse me, are you crying?

Midna:Zelda was like my sister to me, and I know who relly did it,(darkening her self) DarkLink... if Link were here I could tell him I knew the truth, but first I need to build up my healing powers and then bring Zelda back to life and...

Link: Midna! I didn't do it! I didn't KILL PRINCESS ZELDA, I...I...I LOVE HER!!

Midna:~ well that was quick~ I know you didn't don't try to explain, DarkLink did it

Link: oh, well will help me prove I'm innocent?

Minda: yes just head to Death Mountain and take this( forming a Goron bracelet and handing it to Link)

Link: thanks well, I'll be on my way
Posted by ShadowTriForceLink on Dec 21, 2008:
later on at Death Mountain...

Link: okay I know you all think I'm a traitor and think I can kill you all~which I can~ and destroy Death Mountain, but I could never kill princess Zelda, I love her and I wish she was still here, but I have to face it, my counter part killed her but whatever you do, do not bring out Drauina, cause my counter part pissed off the 7 sages~well six~ and so if you want to sumo wrestle me go ahead but if I win you join me besides I'm to soft hearted to kill princess Zelda and he killed her right when I was going to purpose to her, I love her that much but you probably don't care, but i for one do cause I would never kill her nor if it meant life or deaf now who will be first?

Goron: well he well be your last, how about Drauina and you did piss off your sworn brother.

1 min later at the ring.......

Drauina: you... you kilt princess Zelda now time to pay(transforming into a dodongo).ROAR!!

Link: oh comon that's not fair(equipping his iron boots) oh well it's not as bad as when you were on fire and had a crystal on your head, whaich I had to shoot and knock your feet out from under you, and destroy that crystal and get that shadow piece with Midna, luckily i defeated you and OH S***!!