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038 - Festari.png
038 - Festari.png347 views1 commentsdavogones
16147560a9444949330o.jpgLady Beulah164 viewsHey ZL! It's been long time I've been here. Well I've started my fanfic and fanart since I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. So this Lady Beulah, haven't decided where to put her in my fanfic, this piece actually was came out of boredom one night. What do you think?4 commentsDivine_Link
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks Rock
assy.jpgMy winged knight749 viewsOh, I’m sure you wondered who was paired Assy with X3 Some of you guessed that it was Gorgias, former prince of Werran.
Yes, PRINCE, meaning a boy X) First boy-boy pairing! Yippee! “throws confetti to the hordes of fangirls”
Gor is the little one on the left, he’s a Griffin. The Goddesses of the Hyrul have races that work like guardians for each one of them. Din uses the Red Lions and the Griffin. Asmodeus is a Deva.
Their relationship started very slow, but they quickly learned that the other was what they needed.
Things between them went smoothly until Werran was taken over by the White Cross and the Pristine Army. Gorgias asked the Quetzals to help him recover the country, and they did it. However, that didn’t change anything in the royal family. Gorgias was still an outcast. At least his mother accepted the fact that her son wanted to be her daughter, and even took a liking Assy.
2 commentsdan heron
cheese.PNGLRA's Request- Get out of the castle right now!126 viewsWoo, Harkinian looks like he's about to blow a vessel! L.J. and Oni Link/Fierce Diety/Draygin (shut up, that's the name I have given him) are in some deep trouble.They're about to get thrown out of the castle into the courtyard. Well then, Hope it's to your liking LRA.

On a random side-note: anyone seen the Star Trek movie? (Gawd I must be a supreme geek/nerd for asking that.)

Oni Link (c) nintendo
L.J., Harkinian (c) LRA
8 commentshauu13
Chibi_Link.pngCute Link316 views I doodled this in class, (Remember doodling in class is very bad habit so don't start ,Lol) It's supposed 2 be a cute little pic of Link. I hope u guys all enjoy it!
Link (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Princess of Twilight
8 commentsPrincess of Twilight
darklinkpencilsketch.PNGDark Link Pencil Sketch304 viewsStarted it in Science (1st lesson) and finished it in English (last lesson) XP I drew Dark Link, from memory!! Came out well, I think. Heheh, he's so cool in my mind XD;;

Dark Link (c) Nintendo
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
1 commentsKeitii
Dark_Nut_Back_Up.pngBack Up379 viewsI am ASHAMED to call myself a Zelda Fan, I've been MIA. This time, I have a good excuse! Back in Sept. I started a job working at a Trucking company. And I've been working there ever since. computer died......again yes...I've Pre-ordered Skyward Sword and ordered a Players Guide for it. And I was watching a playthrough of the game but the person just seriously stinked at playing it period...Seriously a person asks for help what do you do?
ANYWAY, this here is used by the Dark Nuts or Dark Knights in Twilight Princess when Link gets them armorless they'll throw their sword at him and pull this baby out, now that I Look at it, looks like both the hilt and blade needs to be longer....Of course, I'm working on a few more swords and hopefully the Goddess Sword from Skyward Sword IF, I can find an official art to it....

Dark Nuts/Dark Knights Back Up Sword and Dark Nuts/Dark Knights © by: Nintendo
Zelda © by: Shigeru Miyamoto

2 commentsAmy122
Daydreamer_(sketch).JPGDaydreamer (Sketch)215 viewsThis sketch is another of my many marin pictures. I was bored and wanted to try to draw someone in an actual pose, unlike all the standing on a white backdrop pictures I usually draw, so I drew Marin lying against a sand dune, gazing at the stars. I plan on making a colored version of this eventually.1 commentsjiminycricketX
Death_valley.jpgDeath mountains306 viewsMore like Death Valley.
Ok, I'll make this quick. It all started a few months ago when i saw my old death valley pics (the ones that looked like the volcano in Mario 64; they've been deleted now for being bmps), and noticed that someone (RICKY, maybe?) kept suggesting that i add a "glow" to them. I had just learned how to do that, so i started changing some stuff, and after a few hours had something like this. About a month later i came back, made some changes, and went back to school. a couple weeks after that, i wrote a few scripts, and my comp worked on rendering a movie of this for 4-5 days (really). it was 26 MB, i got it down to 6MB, but my trial period for flash ended (KR: Help!!!). anyway, i took one of about 450 frames, converted it to jpeg, stuck it as my wallpaper, and uploaded it.
Yeah, it's Death Valley. That's lava in the bottom. I've gotten better at mist and sunbeams, as you should notice. enjoy. and, of course, COMMENT!!!!
7 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
Dinstridingcolourversion.jpgDin Striding197 viewsI'm really excited about this one!!! *bounces up and down*
I used a tutorial to help me colour this and I'm really pleased ith the results... most of my art it kinda.... alright but this I think is a much better quality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the tutorial i used

This is the godess Din (who else???) creating Hyrule. I decided to do a different costume design and hair style. Because most ppl (including myself) normally draw her with long hair, I drew her with a short messy cut. The outfit just popped right out of my head...

I'm really pleased with the lighting *starts screaming most randomly then suddenly stops* errr.... ok.... Thats all I have to say.... bye!!!!!!!!!!!

Drawn in pencil
Coloured in Photoshop Elements
3 commentsFaerieEpona
dodongo0001.jpgDodongo236 viewsok, ok I know I draw alot of pics of Zelda and Link, but the creatures in the game really fascinate me too. I just ran across this, its way old, I think its felt pen and color pencil, started as a pencil sketch, I went a little nuts with the coloring....9 commentsGirlink
DSCF0012.JPGNintendo All-Stars Trophies287 viewsLink is my favorite, look at the ocarina in his hands and the detail on his gloves. What do you think?7 commentsThelegendoflink190
DSCF0012~0.JPGAll-Stars Back View228 views4 commentsThelegendoflink190
Essence8_Falling_Star.gif527 views1 comments
Eth.jpgPrincess Ethina139 viewsHey ZL. It is I Divine_Link. I had no choice to create this account because I couldn't recover my password and I tried to reach the administrators and no reply at all. If there's a way to retreive a user's password please tell me. Really, really appreciate it.

Now onto my concept of my new character; Princess Ethina (Eth-thee-na) of the North has a gift to see to those can't see, many people seek her advice and voice of reason to decide. In the town of Drastar, the locals treat her very special and men tend to give her silk ribbons due to her passion for ribbons. During the quiet nights Ethina goes out and watch the stars for hours.

Princess Ethina © R.M.
5 commentsCaranthir Felagund
Evilocity.jpgEvilocity468 viewsAll of the BADDIES from WW... well most of them. umm... this was a really quick scrap together. It almost took me longer to open the files than it did to actually arrange, edit, etc. I'd like to come out with a final draft, but i will need your help to give me ideas, tell me i suck and that i should start over, or tell me that this is good enough to be the final draft... whichever is best for u9 commentsdude_thats_evil
Explorar.jpgDesert Dancer Malon1026 viewsYou know? I think I may start uploading my sketches here in the scraps, I tend to doodle a lot during classes XD That's bad, boys and girl, you shouldn't do it! The Dan is a registered professional, so he has license to do things he isn't supposed to do during classes, always remember that.

And well, just like the title says, Desert Dancer, Malon. Yes, Malon! Our sweet ranch girl is part Gerudo, and like any of her desert sisters, well, she's a warrior at heart. She doesn't uses the typical twin scimitars of the Gerudos, she prefers claws, like Link's. Her lovely and sensual dance hides deadly movement that she uses to finish her enemies in a blink.
Here we can see her with her Gerudo outfit, I'm not very sure of what to change to it, but I'm sure I'm gonna change something.

As you can see, Mal is very different from Ari. The red has bigger breast, round hips, longer hair, and is very feminine, everything Ari wants in a girl X)
16 commentsdan heron
Explorar0014.jpgGive me magiks957 viewsFacing these untold horrors approaching to her, she couldn't help grumbling at their attempts. Nobody messed with the Great Witch Maple, Puppet Master of the Quetzals
Removing her pointy hat, she stretched the inner side of it at a reality defying size and pointed the bottomless darkness against her foes. Taking a deep breath she chanted

Let the ceremony consecrate the marriage
Let me be the protégé of five magiks
Give me Alchemy
Give me Wizardry
Give me Sorcery
Magic if you please
Master all of these
Bring him to his knees

Defying all logic, numberless creatures started to pour out from her hat, from all the sizes and of all the nightmarish shapes the wickedest mind could think of. Soon, they'd outnumber her rivals. Soon, they'd consumer them all. Soon, only one would stay alive.


Our lovely Maple, ready to kick ass >D
9 commentsdan heron
Explorar0021.jpg"gasps" Ari >3922 viewswell, just a lil doodle I did during my class of Costs and Graphic Production.
This is what I want for Ari's final design. Longer hair, this outfit for her every day life, and small breasts. She wants bigger breasts, because people calls her boy and then she has to beat their poor arses X)

Just pen, no pencil, nor idea of what I was doing until halfway, then I started shading X)
15 commentsdan heron
fairy_hunting.JPGFairy Hunting.....293 viewsOkay, not the most ORIGINAL picture :-P, but I thought that it was a cool idea. I'm still not to sure who this Gerudo thief, but I think that this allows the mind to speculate what she could be. I thought it was a nice idea cause from my POV, looks like she's chopping down tree leaves and staring up at the colorful little faries flying about (of course, she is more focused cuz the viewer is focusing on her :-P). But that's just me *sigh* Otherwise, it's just a picture of space/stars that I used and erased part of with PhotoImpression :-D *sheepish grin* Hope you guys like it. 2 commentsFanatic!
Festari.gif327 viewsIron Knuckle
FF-LinkB.jpgFinal Fantasy Link (Final unfinished)149 viewsOK, this would be the final version of the other piece but I'm too lazy to finish it. It's been sitting around my room since the middle of '05 (I started it at college during some crap lessons :)).DogmanSP
fighting_pose_(pencil).jpgFighting pose - pencil version122 viewsLink in a fighting pose. This was the original pencil sketch. This was the first picture of the new year, started on new years eve, and finished at about 1 in the morning on th 1st of january.Greater Daemon
133 files on 6 page(s) 1