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041teamwork.jpgTeamwork267 viewsTechnically I drew this last year, and uploaded it on Deviantart without ever putting it here. I forgot, my apologies!

Anyhow, I was a big fan of this one screenshot of Midna and Link looking chummy, and it kind of reminded me how they were a team - moreso than any other sidekick (in my opinion). Midna's hat is a nightmare. That is all.
5 commentsSnowsilver
10000hitssmall.PNG10,000 Hits397 viewsThis is a pic I did for getting over 10,000 pageviews on my DevArt account =3
I love the way this pic came out, 'cause it's the Links in a different media from me. X3
They're holiding flags of the different digits and Blue's also holding up a comma sign XD

Green, Blue, Red, Shadow and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1714 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
16147560a9444949330o.jpgLady Beulah164 viewsHey ZL! It's been long time I've been here. Well I've started my fanfic and fanart since I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. So this Lady Beulah, haven't decided where to put her in my fanfic, this piece actually was came out of boredom one night. What do you think?4 commentsDivine_Link
3_of_a_kind_by_dan_heron.jpg3 of a kind529 viewsCarid, Aliku and Hikagi form a group that works independently of the rest of the Quetzals. They are into spy stuff and are good at it. Although, they also enjoy bashing skulls and kicking major ass every now and then X3

And look at them, they are so chibi!!!!! XO

“head explodes”

“picks up pieces of head”

“glues them together”

They usually have a diff outfit when they go on missions, but this is what they use in their “normal” (as normal as these three can be) life.

Oh, and Hikagi is a Feles. Feles, like most big felines have round ears, you know? Domestic cats have pointy ears but Hikagi is no cat!
2 commentsdan heron
4links.jpgOh crap...666 viewsI got some splainin to do.

Yes, that's the 4 links, and they're all dead. Don't ask me why, don't ask me how. All I know is they're dead.
18 commentsvaati_girl
4swords.JPG4Swords Links207 views Just a screenshot I captured from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. (I appologize for the poor quality, I took it with my old crappy camera. T-T ) Anyways, its of Toon Link (Green), and his alternative costumes (Red, Blue, and Vio). I thought it looked like Green was giving out orders to the other 3, and they were all listneing. Plus it's in the order of the formation that id used during gameplay. Enjoy!
SSBB (c) Nintendo
Screenshot caught by Princess of Twilight
P.S. I will take requests and try to get them done ASAP.
P.P.S. zeldamovie?no!!! you're Midna will be up tommorow (Sorry for the wait! -_- U)
P.P.P.S My fic the 5 Links has been updated for those of you, who are interested. ^-^
9 commentsPrincess of Twilight
aliku vs link copy.jpg
aliku vs link copy.jpgAh, this is love ^^1300 viewsthis is an scene from my fanfic, here we can see the first time Aliku and Link met. These two are gonna be a couple later, unfortunately, first they want to kill each other.
Aliku, because she was hired to kill him.
Link, because if Aliku dies, Zelda will live (it has to do with Zelda's prophetic dreams, where Aliku always kills her).

These claws Link is using are his Balam's claws, they were inspired by illustrations in the Sun calendar of the Aztecs.
Aliku usually uses twin tantos but here she's using a kunai to defend herself. Link really is aiming to kill her o.O
16 commentsdan heron
Alira_s zelda and malon.gif
Alira_s zelda and malon.gifZelda and Malon280 viewsWell I don't think apples would keep Ganondorf away...

Though he wouldn't like it if they were thrown at his head!
1 commentswonder flower
anihik.jpgYoung Souls600 viewsThis boy is Hikagi’s love “nodnod” Yup, they are very in love, even with all the problems each one carries on their back.
Hikagi (the “feline” girl) is half Harinco and half Sheika. Animula is a Deva.
Their personalities are very different. While Hikagi is lives life to the fullest, Animula is too scared most of the time, and he refuses physical contact unless it’s his sister or Hikagi.
The title derives from Animula’s name. It comes from Latin, Animula, which means, Young Soul… or something like that ^-^;;;
dan heron
anisaria0001.jpgSaria422 viewsHey well here is my attempt at a 3/4 view, though I suppose its almost a front view.....still practicin!!!!freehand pencil sketch...5 commentsGirlink
Aquamentus.jpgAquamentus515 viewsfelt in the mood for more dragon art ^-^

this one is not so good >< I did it on class so it's only with black pen XD

looove this boss ^-^ they should bring him back, it would be great if he apeared in the Twiligth Princes
11 commentsDust_Bunny
aryll.PNGAryll, kinda scary looking...246 viewsShe looks like she's possesed...FrEaKy. Drawn 100% in MS Paint.
Aryll (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
If you want a request I'm open to take them. But they will be drawn MS Paint so you know.
11 commentshauu13
assy.jpgMy winged knight749 viewsOh, I’m sure you wondered who was paired Assy with X3 Some of you guessed that it was Gorgias, former prince of Werran.
Yes, PRINCE, meaning a boy X) First boy-boy pairing! Yippee! “throws confetti to the hordes of fangirls”
Gor is the little one on the left, he’s a Griffin. The Goddesses of the Hyrul have races that work like guardians for each one of them. Din uses the Red Lions and the Griffin. Asmodeus is a Deva.
Their relationship started very slow, but they quickly learned that the other was what they needed.
Things between them went smoothly until Werran was taken over by the White Cross and the Pristine Army. Gorgias asked the Quetzals to help him recover the country, and they did it. However, that didn’t change anything in the royal family. Gorgias was still an outcast. At least his mother accepted the fact that her son wanted to be her daughter, and even took a liking Assy.
2 commentsdan heron
awesomewlevels.jpgHero of Courage, Wisdom, and Power659 viewsPhew! This took forever to do, but I'm extremely satisfied with the result. The scene is supposed to be Link receiving all three pieces of the triforce (Zelda and Ganondorf are dead or something, notice they only appear as reflections beside Link's). Lots of work, lots of lighting effects, lots of satisfaction. Whad'ya think? Note especially the lighting on Link, with the blue and red, not to mention the water...17 commentsdudeofrandomness
A_modern_Minish_by_dan_heron.jpgA modern Minish662 viewsFor my Saria "anthro" I had only a few choices since the Legend of Zelda isn't exactly creative when it comes to forest related monsters. The main choices were Dabas, Deku spruts and… I think that's all. The rest of the plant monsters are too abstract to give them a human form.

That's why lovely Saria got to be a Minish ^^ yeh, I know this little race lives everywhere, but they originally came from the Forest, and are always hiding from people, just like the Kokiris. Besides, they are so friggin' cute you want to hug them X3 Just like Saria!
I know only forest Minish have feathers like tails, but what the heck, a feather tail is cute ^^

Oh, and Minish have those really big eyes that are very shiny. That's why she looks a bit weird.
Oh2: she's a bit older here ^-^;
Oh3: she's human sized
2 commentsdan heron
b-medalions.jpgMagic Medallions698 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: Left to Right they are- Bombos, Quake, and EitherMelora
b-staff-cane.jpgStaff of Somaria and Cane of Byrna555 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: Sometimes they are call staff's, sometimes canes. Byrna is Blue and Somaria is Orange.Melora
baka_na.gifChristmas265 viewshaha, isnt funny!....again Red and Link!...i know its stupid!!

Red- Hey I'm Santa Claus!
Green-Another fool....
well if you could read it in japanese i think it would be more fun!, but there's people that cannot read japanese, well i hope it'll make you laugh!
6 commentsfiorella
Beso.jpgKiss2515 viewsYeah... I'm a Link & Marin kind of girl.... they are the perfect match for me!!40 commentsMagalink
Bishilink copy.jpg
Bishilink copy.jpgZora Tunic369 viewsThis was just a quick sketch and I wanted to color it. So it's Link in a zora tunic and Navi.
*Hey!* *Listen!*
5 commentsSusie Q
blueemblem.jpgHyrule Emblem Texture422 viewsWow, i made this ages ago for Cube Legends (my game MOD) and just realized i hadn't uploaded it here. it's just a simple little texture for CTF maps to use, in order to help players know what side of the map they're on. It was loosely based off some of the 4SA official art, along with a stone texture i had already made.

Nothing fancy, just practical.
6 commentsKoroks Rock
blueinforesthaven.PNGBlue in Forest Haven404 views Here's Blue in the Forest Haven, kinda confused why he's there. This pic is kinda random, eh well. I like the little random Koroks I did =3 I hope they look OK to you guys. I also hope it looks enough like the Forest Haven. I like the pretty yellow things =3 Forest-ness =3 Enjoys!

Blue (c) Akira Himekawa
Koroks and Forest Haven (c) dudes who made Wind Waker
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul!
2 commentsKeitii
BlueXTetra__In_the_Sand_v2_by_Princess_of_Twilight.pngIn the Sand256 viewsOne of my fav couples from my fic.^^ Blue X Tetra! in this pic it seems they're actually getting along for once...I wonder how long that will last. XD This pic was drawn with a mechanical pencil and shaded with one too. I blurred and colorized it in paint Shop Pro, but I sort of like the original copy better...oh well! I hope you guys Like it!^^

Blue © Akira Himekawa

Tetra © Nintendo
Art © Princess of Twilight
7 commentsPrincess of Twilight
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