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Search results - "Fanart"
064Multitasking.jpgMultitasking380 viewsSome Majora's Mask fanart, also part of a '100 Theme' art challenge I'm taking part in. I've still got a long way to go, but I like how this one turned out.

Fun Fact: The Clock Tower in this picture is about 5 years old - I recycled it from an older picture.
1 commentsSnowsilver
16147560a9444949330o.jpgLady Beulah164 viewsHey ZL! It's been long time I've been here. Well I've started my fanfic and fanart since I have numerous amounts of free time on my hands. So this Lady Beulah, haven't decided where to put her in my fanfic, this piece actually was came out of boredom one night. What do you think?4 commentsDivine_Link
16147560a9564149127o.jpgLeona Lewis sketch259 viewsI'm a big fan of Leona Lewis ever since I saw her during X-Factor, her voice is simply amazing and I love almost all of her songs. Especially Footprints in the Sand which gives an idea for my next fanart. =) Oh, I know I was only suppost to post Zelda fanart, this is practice doing the hair and it came out good. ^_^1 commentsDivine_Link
2.jpgHappiness in sadness425 viewsUh-Oh, Lorica's sad...but she has a smile on her face? Something super hormonal must be happening here. And, being the good husband he is, Symphann comforts her..

On a completely unrelated note--CK's gota bit of artist block, and one of the best ways (next to colorful fanart) to cure it is a new character. But, thanks to my artists block I'm feeling a little indecisive, and I need to know whether I should make this new character a girl or boy, and so I figured I'd have you guys vote :D
7 commentsChibi-Kokiri
4sOnline.jpg4 Swords Online BG592 viewsSo, during my lunch i doodled a bit, very bored-like, and came up with a few little 4s in capital Os. I've been thinking for sometime about reincarnating the Zelda Online idea as a Cube Legends gamemode, and the sketches seemed to jump out at me "4 Swords Online!!"

So i took the sketches, went over to a comp with a scanner, and dropped the images into photoshop. twenty minutes later, with a little help from a CD of Zelda Media (something i recommend all fanartists make), I had a half-decent background.

So ja, just a little something to ease my appalling lack of fanart. Simple, easy on me, and maybe a bt of fun for yall to think about. Who knows, maybe it'll be worth it for me to code a zelda gamemode into CL (which started out as a zelda game, btw)
9 commentsKoroks Rock
blades.jpgBlades will bleed716 viewsThis was partially made with Photoshop and partially with pen and color pencils. This is my first TP fanart. I liked the phrase from one of the videos, so I used it as the title.9 commentsMalu CLBS
bluevsvio.PNGBlue vs Vio476 viewsW00t! LoZ:4S+ fanart! ^__^

This'll happen sometime in my fan-fic, which you should all read by the way, where Blue has a short duel with Vio, 'cause he's become possessed! I won't say by who or what. If you full view then you'll see Vio has white eyes instead of blue. That's how Blue figures out he's possessed by something or someone.

Blue and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat you soul!!
5 commentsKeitii
boat_color_small.jpgBoat Ride389 viewsA Wind Waker/Super Smash Bros fanart... I drew this for the Zelda Anthology Project ( in which I'm one of the editors. We just sent our book off to the printer and hopefully the fruit of our labor will be seen very soon. For larger version of this pic, you can find it on my personal site or Deviant Art. No critique is necessary. I'm not going to work on this pic anymore.2 commentscyen
BRIDES.jpgHere come the brides!1435 viewsThis is my first Zelda fanart totally colored with Photoshop! I'm so glad I got it! The Pendant of Memories was also made with Photoshop, BTW. Here, every girl that has wanted link for herself is here to see to whom Link is getting married! Malon is the one with Saria and Marin is the one at the left, looking at Zelda. Ruto is green with envy! XD20 commentsMalu CLBS
Cold_Blade.JPGThe Cold Blade221 viewsHey, ZL-dians! Ah, I got bored this morning and had nothing to do, so I browsed the fanart as I always do and saw interesting weapons by Amy. Your weapons are awesome! :D Anyways I came up with this weapon, this computer only had Paint and it does come out good though.

The Cold Blade is completely made from ice that never melts, it can cut through almost anything, it has a mysterious malevolent power that absorbs heat for its energy for the blade to never break and freezes the victim as a result. With every victim fallen to this sword, the blade gradually grows larger. This weapon belongs to a villain in my fanfic.

The Cold Blade © Divine_Link
14 commentsDivine_Link
collage2~0.jpgTP Contest Collage1051 viewsSo this is my second attemp, i followed some advice graciously given to me by the other fanarters, thank you- collages are not my speciality but i'm willing to give it a shot. This time around the pic is much busier, with it's base material pulled from more sources. Still essentially the same pic though, I'm too lazy to completely redo it :)19 commentsKoroks Rock
Dark_Link_by_Malu_CLBS.jpgDark Link1057 viewsThis was done because a request. It's a Soft Shounen fanart (more like CLAMPish Shounen ^^, if you have seen X, you know what I mean), featuring Dark Link and normal Link at Water Temple in OoT. I liked Dark Link very much ^_^16 commentsMalu CLBS
Dash_Dash_Dash.jpgDash Dash Dash186 viewsA Spirit Tracks Fanart, inspired by Kotoko's song "Short Circuit"2 commentsNenilein
DeityVsHaruko.jpgHaruko vs. Deity161 viewsI kinda thought this up one day while working on Okada, and it's been incomplete ever since. The pose for both was used from Kacfrog711 on DA. Everyday in October she will upload only dark fanart, sometimes she'll upload other months but mostly it's October.

Anyway the drawing was pretty hard..the poses were mostly hard, and drawing Deity's sword...>< I'll never draw a man again (but I do have some ideas to redraw Dorjan and Aki, plus some other guys....) and I'll never draw a weapon by free hand ever again! You men are hard to draw, broad shoulders, big hands a triangle like body. Compare to us women it's much easier for me to draw us ^^ which I like because we're much easier.

Haruko © by: Me
Orge Deity © by: Nintendo
8 commentsAmy122
din.jpgDin, Goddess of Power380 viewsThis was my very first Zelda fanart ever! I was less experienced, I think I have gotten better. What do you think?3 commentsMalu CLBS
dragon resized.JPG
dragon resized.JPGLink's New Boss, Darcia490 viewsThis is Link's boss! muahahaha! This is my 1st time posting my monsters in a fanart site. This was like made like two years ago then after awhile i colored it just yesterday and updated it with Photoshop! haaray for Photoshop! it gave me kool effects. hehehe. I think this is the koolest dragon i made. He looks so evil, i like how i did his flare in his eyes and his saliva. lol. He might be the toughest boss yet. I LOVE DRAWING DRAGONS!!! ^_^

11 commentsAllysa
fanartplayer.jpg+The ocarina player+282 viewsDone in watercolour for about 1 hour. Linearts done in exactly 45 minutes (yes, I was facing the wallclock while drawing this. Enjoy2 commentsGarvanguelle
farore.jpgFarore, Goddess of Courage369 viewsThis is how I imagined this goddess. This was my second Zelda fanart ever. I made it when I was in high school o.O long time ago... Anyway, enjoy!Malu CLBS
Ganondorf_s War.JPG
Ganondorf_s War.JPGGanondorf's War848 viewsFor a fanart contest at Zelda Power.8 commentsThat Guy
Goddesses.jpgGoddesses of Hyrule257 viewsOkay, first of all, I know you all are wondering why there are four Goddesses when there's only three. The middle one is my own made up character (who's the spirit within the girl from another realm) and she's Hera, Goddess of Fear. She was banned and sealed within the human girl before Din, Nayru and Farore made Hyrule, and that's why the Triforce was the Triforce.

Yes, my fanfic is based off of OoC.
1 commentsSage of Ice
gone.jpgShe's gone...575 viewsMy second fanart ever, this particular image was drawn right after I watched the scene with Saria not being on her stump in OoT.3 commentsKoroks Rock
Goth Saria.jpg
Goth Saria.jpgGothic Saria419 viewsoriginal at:
that's MY stuff but the origina is on that site

hope you like it =)
10 commentsDust_Bunny
hra.jpg.:: He Rises Again ::.343 viewsA TP fanart I did for a poster...took a long time. D:3 commentsZeruda
Ilia.jpgIlia1102 viewsI havent seen a fanart of Ilia yet! so i made one. hope u like it!27 commentseponagirl
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