Last additions - Link's Awakening |
sword.jpg629 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
stoneslab.jpg589 viewsA stone slab and fragment.Mar 14, 2004
sleepymushroom.jpg517 viewsA sleepy mushroom.Mar 14, 2004
shovel.jpg494 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
shield.jpg563 viewsA shield.Mar 14, 2004
shovel.gif513 viewsA shovel.Mar 14, 2004
secretshell.jpg483 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
secretshell.gif517 viewsA secret shell.Mar 14, 2004
secretmedicine.jpg520 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
secretmedicine.gif561 viewsA bottle of secret medicine.Mar 14, 2004
rocsfeather.jpg518 viewsRoc's Feather.Mar 14, 2004
redtunic.gif564 viewsThe red tunic.Mar 14, 2004
powerbracelet.jpg537 viewsLarger version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
pegasusboots.jpg497 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
pegasusboots.gif542 viewsThe Pegasus boots.Mar 14, 2004
ocarina.jpg534 viewsSmaller version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
magicrod2.gif594 viewsThe Magic Rod.Mar 14, 2004
ocarina.gif607 viewsThe ocarina.Mar 14, 2004
map.jpg578 viewsA dungeon map.Mar 14, 2004
magicrod.jpg559 viewsThe Magic Rod.Mar 14, 2004
magicpowder.jpg557 viewsLarger version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
keys2.jpg824 viewsLarger version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
keys.jpg710 viewsThe Tail, Slime, Angler, Bird, and Face keys.Mar 14, 2004
instruments2.jpg876 viewsThe Sirens' Musical Instruments, in color.Mar 14, 2004
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