This pic gives me an idea. Does your camera have a video mode, if it dose you should make a video that shows these in a 360 degree cricle.
[Jul 12, 2005 at 05:29 PM]
actually my camera does have a video mode, but how would I upload that?
[Aug 03, 2005 at 03:59 PM]
i think you could upload a video, if it's in a standard format like mpeg, avi, mov, etc. if not, you could always convert it to flash, or have someone else do it. though the filesize limit is 2 MB, pretty small for video.
Koroks Rock
[Aug 03, 2005 at 04:33 PM]
it'll probably be a mpeg or avi, depending on the camera designer. flash can do conversions well, and can import most movie formats. i can do conversions and tweaks if nescessary. if you do make a movie i strongly recommend making it on a white background (or any solid color). perhaps your bathroom tub would work, just set the model on a plate and rotate it around with your hand, keeping the camera stationary (a static or consistent background compresses well, as opposed to a complex background)